1. Obligation of the Employers under the ESI Act and Rules and Regulations made there under are summarized as under:-

  1. Get your Factory/establishment registered within 15 days after the Act becomes applicable. Submit Form01 to the Regional Office for this purpose. Obtain Employers code No. for use in all ESI Forms/documents and correspondence with the offices of the ESI Corporation.

  1. Fill up Declaration Forms in respect of all coverable employees and submit the same to the Regional Office/Local Office of the Corporation well before the Appointed day and obtain Insurance Number from the concerned Local Office/Regional Office. In respect of newly appointed employees, fill up the Declaration Form soon after appointment of such employees and submit the same to the local office concerned.

  1. Pending receipt of identity cards/identity certificates you may issue Certificate of employment in Form 86 to the covered employees enabling them to avail cash/medical benefits.

  1. Pay ESI contributions (Employers share @ 4.75% of the wages and the employees share @1.75% of the wages) within 21 days of the month following, in which the wages fall due.

  1. Maintain an Accident Book as prescribed under the factory Act/ESI Act.

  1. Submit an Accident Report to the Local Office/ESI dispensary concerned immediately in respect of accidents that could result in death or disablement and within 24 hours of its Occurrence otherwise. Minor accidents which do not cause absence from work need not be reported.

  1. Grant leave to insured employees on the basis of sickness certificates issued by any authorized ESI doctor.

  1. Record Maintenance

    1. Attendance Register in respect of all the employees including employees engaged through immediate employer/contractor
    2. Wage Register
    3. Register under Regulation-32
    4. Accident Book
    5. Cash Book/Books of Account, Ledgers, petty cash book including bills and vouchers
    6. Other relevant records to show the labour charges paid to the labour engaged in construction, repair & maintenance etc
    7. Inspection Book

  1. Submit return of contribution within 42 days of the expiry of contribution period.

  1. Furnish any requisite information promptly as and when asked for by the Regional Office/Local Office/any other office of the Corporation/Scheme.

  1. Facilitate proper inspection of factory/establishment by any authorized officer of the Corporation and produce before him all relevant records on demand.

  1. Intimate the date of closure or shifting (temporary or permanent) of the factory/establishment to the Regional Office/Local Office within seven days of its closure or shifting.

  1. Promptly report any change in the business activity, ownership of the concern or its management.

  1. Ascertain the liability towards ESI dues, while taking over the ownership of any factory/establishment by purchase, gift, lease or license or in any other manner whatsoever as new owner is liable to discharge the past liabilities if any.

  1. Maintain proper sanitation for a hygienic and healthy environment within the workplace and in residential quarters if allotted to the insured persons.


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