[Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946-Section 8]

Register-Part I

Industrial Establishment

Serial No. Date of the dispatch of the copy of standing orders authenticated under Section 5 for the first time Date of filling appeal Date and nature of decision Amendment make on appeal, if any Date of the dispatch of the copy of the standing orders as settled on appeal Any notice subsequently given or received of any amendment Rwsult

Part II

(Should contain the authenticated copy of the Standing Orders)


[See Rule 7-A (1)]

(To be furnished in respect of each clause appealed against, separately)

(1) Draft of the Standing Orders under appeal as submitted by the employers.

(2) Objection made/modification suggested, if any, to the Draft Standing Order

under appeal, by the Trade Union/Representatives of workmen.

(3) Standing Order under appeal, as certified by the Certifying Officers.

(4) Grounds of appeal by the employers/trade union/workmen’s representatives.]


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