Rates For Contribution
A) The Employees' Provident Fund Scheme                                                                                              
In respect of establishments employing 20 or more persons and engaged in industry notified under Section 6 of Act ( other than the Establishments. declared as sick ) 12% of the basic pay DA , Cash value of food concession and retaining allowance , if any, subject to a maximum of Rs.6500/- per month. Voluntary higher contributions are also acceptable at the joint request of the member and the employer . However, the rate of contribution is 10% in respect of the following categories of establishments:
  1. Any establishment covered prior to 22.9.97 in which less than 20 persons are employed.
  2. Any sick industrial company as defined in Clause(0) of Sub-Section(1) of Section 3 of the sick industrial companies ( special provisions ) Act 1985 and which has been declared as such by the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction.
  3. Any Establishment which has at the end of any financial year accumulated losses equal to or exceeding its entire net worth.
Any Establishment engaged in manufacturing of (a) Jute , (b) Beedi , (c) Brick , (d) Coir (other than spinning sector), (e) Guar Gum Industries/Factories.  

B) The Employees' Pension Scheme           
From and out of employer's share of Provident Fund contributions 8.33% of the total wages limited to Rs. 6500/- per month is segregated and credited to the Employees' Pension Fund in A/C No. 10 ( w.e.f. 1-06-2001 ). 

The Central Government also would contribute at the rate of 1.1 / 6% of total wages.                        


C) Employees' Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme:                                                                                   
No amount is recovered from employee's wages . Employer should pay 0.5% of total wages subject to a ceiling of Rs. 6500/- per month ( w.e.f. 1-06-2001 ).                                                                            

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