Daily wagers are not entitled for
regularisation and payment of minimum wages in view of SC judgment of Uma Devi
case [(2006 (109) FLR 826].
Superintending Engineer and
Another vs. Secretary. 2011 LLR 422 (Guj. HC)
Daily wager appointed for a fixed
period on scarcity relief work will not be entitled for reinstatement.
Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage
Board vs. M.D. Doshi. 2011 LLR 262 (Guj. HC)
Daily wager has no right to
continue. Reinstatement liable to be set aside.
State of Maharashtra,
Sub-Divisional Forest Officer, Beed vs. Sadashiv Maroti Doke and Another. 2011
(128) FLR 610
Daily wager appointed as tree
planter does not hold a post. No reinstatement of such employee after
termination. Can only be awarded consolidated damages.
State of U.P. vs. Presiding
Officer, Labour Court (1st) U.P., Kanpur and Another. 2011 LLR 516 (All. HC)
Reinstatement of daily-wagers,
appointed on fixed salary on temporary basis, would not be tenable since they
have been engaged not against advertisement or through the employment exchanges
it would be appropriate to
convert the reinstatement into compensation only.
Manager, Gujcomasol Pesticides
Deptt. vs. Kiritkumar Babulal Patel and Another. 2011 (129) FLR 831 (Guj. HC)
Compensation of fifty thousand
instead reinstatement would be proper in the case of a daily wager who was
retrenched without complying with the provisions and served for about 14 years
as safai karmchari.
Prasar Bharti Broadcasting
Corporation of India vs. Presiding Officer, Industrial Tribunal, Patna and
Another. 2011 (130) FLR 569
Compensation in lieu of
reinstatement appropriate when termination of daily wagers or temporary workmen
was illegal.
Aniruddhsinh Vajubha Zala &
Anr. vs. Sarpanch. 2011 LLR 64 (Guj. HC)
A daily wager does not have the
protection of ID Act.
State of Haryana and Others vs.
Sanjay Kumar. 2011 LLR 1240 (P&H HC)